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Frequently asked questions


  • Our beginner sessions, which include guidance for first-timers, are priced at 490 THB. Regular sessions are 390 THB each. We also offer a 5-session pack for 1,600 THB, a 10-session pack for 3,000 THB, and a monthly unlimited option for 2,800 THB.

  • No worries! This is included in our beginner sessions, which provide support and guidance. One of our friendly instructors will be there to guide you through the entire process.

  • Ice baths may provide several benefits, including:

    • Reducing inflammation and muscle soreness

    • Enhancing post-exercise recovery

    • Increasing circulation and decreasing swelling

    • Boosting the immune system

    • Improving mental well-being and reducing stress

    • Increasing alertness and promoting better sleep

    • Improved mental resistance

    • Enhanced detoxification

    • Healthier more radiant skin

  • Wear a bikini, wear swim shorts, wear a t-shirt, wear a 3-piece suit, wear a parachute - whatever you feel comfortable with. Except your birthday suit. Don’t wear that. No offense.

  • 1 second. That’s the minimum requirement. Of course, it would be lovely if you could get to 5 minutes. Or even 10. Everyone is on their own journey and reacts differently to the ice. You can’t compare yourself to anyone else. Go at your own pace. Listen to your body.

  • We have 4 tubs of varying temperates. 2 tubs will be between 4-6 degrees celcius, one tub around 10 degrees, and a cold plunge.

  • We filter the water and treat the water after each session with hydrogen peroxide - a safe and effective biodegradable chemical that kills bacteria without irritating the skin. That being said, we don’t recommend drinking the water - it is Thai tap water after all!

  • Yes, safety considerations are crucial when practicing cold water immersion in an ice bath. Here are some important points to keep in mind:

    • If you have any medical conditions, such as heart problems, Raynaud's disease, or circulatory issues, consult with a healthcare professional before attempting an ice bath.

    • Pay attention to your body's signals during the ice bath. If you experience severe discomfort, numbness, dizziness, or any concerning symptoms, exit the bath immediately.

    • Individuals with high blood pressure, and those with extreme sensitivity to cold should avoid ice baths.

  • Whether you think you can, or you think you can't – you're right

    Henry Ford

  • What I am capable of, anyone can learn

    Wim Hof 'The Ice Man'

  • If we always choose comfort, we never learn the deepest capabilities of our mind or Body

    Wim Hof

  • Optimism is the one quality more associated with success and happiness than any other

    Brain Tracy